Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Rough for zodiac cards, Scorpio.
Maybe Tarot shaped? Maybe ACEO's.
Just the rough of what i've done while messing around...the general ideas.
Chop it all off.
So, suffice it to say, im growing preetttyyyy sick of my hair, and the more I think about it, the more I just want to chop it all off and start with something new. Because, you know whats so great about hair? It grows back out. Even if it takes forever and a day, I've had the same style for years now and i'm just ready for a change. The ends are all destroyed anyway thanks to the wedding, so...I've been looking up lots of short cuts for a little while now and ironiclly enough found one I really like in this Korean pop group called 4minute (hot ish-shooeeee). I like the asymmetry, and the short choppy features. I think it'll work on my face and my body, and force me not to wear baggy clothes as it'll probably look horrid with those xD

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Not sure whats going on... sleepy, and I gotta be to work on time tomorrow xD Gonna wear my new jacket though! Maybe a hat! Who knooowwwsss.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Party Cube Project

Big Bang ft 2ne1
Justin Timberlake
Rock Your Body
Bi-Weekly Draw Fest: Candyland

*throws arm out-*
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Operation: Get to Japan!
Looks pretty amazing...I want to spend a month or two there, I feel, in order to just REALLY see Japan and not be horribly rushed through things. I want to stay in hostels, or a Ryokan , which is basically a japanese inn, where you stay in a room with tatami mats and its all about traditional japanese hospitality. Detailed info here:
(for some reason its not posting correct link but if you click that it'll say "is this what you meant?" and you can click on that.)
The years are gonna go by regardless, and it's my dream to go to Japan, so. Also, I figure if I go there and promote myself with my art then I can write it off as a business trip and get some money back at the end of that year as well.
I'm going to go. Even if I have to go alone, I will go to Japan.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Compiling my wish list already..

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Weirdest dream ever...and longest run on sentences you will ever see.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Every time I get close to you...

and that was the end result -____-

Friday, January 22, 2010
These are a few of my favorite things...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Since I can't do cute
Ta-da, I have it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Yay for good print quality!

And if I may say so myself, they look "very niiicceeeee." I'm really happy with them, and I can't wait for the couple to see them as well. If I had people actually following my blog these photos nor the jpegs of the art concept would have gone up before they are able to mail them out themselves, but since the two who are following don't care either way regarding this matter, it's all good xD
Congratulations to Stefani and Jorel though!
In other news, scanned in my paintings of the fairy and of my Star piece so I can get started on the digital parts of those...things are progressing well I see! I hope to have them completely finished as far as work to do to them so I can send them off and hopefully get the prints back before the 27th...not sure if that'll work out though unless I want to expedite the shipping...who knows. Well...time to get started!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Bi-Weekly Draw Fest Color Comp
Because it has taken over my life.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Go Ask Alice.

I actually even have a totally different version of Cheshire drawn to fall into a set of postcards meant to compliment the Ladies series. My Cheshire is similiar in features, but the attitude and aura he gives off are two TOOOTTAALLLY different things. The Cheshire above is more so one of those people who stands back and observes, but can be pretty mischevious in his own right. The Cheshire for my postcard series is much more uh...flamboyant, as you can see below:
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I am but an artist to the core.
So for some stuff I enjoy and often find inspiration in:
- Burlesque
- Steampunk
- Lolita
- Carnival
I think I really want my next theme to be something with a carnival...I just love those types of outfits. The striped leggings, frills, crazy face paint...I can't help it, its fun to me. Probably part of my obsession with Cirque Du Soleil has to do with that, lolz.
Ever read Kuroshitsuji? They have a wonderful circus that comes along in the middle of it that I just loved. Well, actually the circus was pretty demented but thats getting into the story and I don't feel like doing that. Anyway, the character design was quite enjoyable at the least.
I really liked Joker, Doll, and Dagger. Just the designs of the outfits and facial make-up was lots of fun to look at. The Flying Blanco were pretty cute as well. I think I wouldn't mind cosplaying as one of the troup honestly, but I'd want the whole group before I did that. Otherwise, it just wouldn't feel right.
Anyway, I think a fun BWDF would be a carnival design. Each person is designated a stage act and they design an image for it. Oooh, could do it as a poster design. THAT could be neat. I rather like that idea and will probably submit it next.
Also, I have greated a group for those who want to join Bi-Weekly Draw Fest on facebook that is free for anyone to join. Just search "Bi-Weekly Draw Fest" under groups and it should pop up.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Angels and Clowns, Round and Round
- Circus
- Mod style
- Retro cartoons (Rainbow Brite, Jem and the Holograms, Lady Lovely Locks, etc)
- Candy Land
- Music Band or Music Icon
All of these I think could be quite fun, da? I wanted to list before I forgot, because I know that the time would've come around and i'd be sitting there all, " I know I had something great I wanted to do!"
Anyway, thats the extent of it today...don't want to ramble too far.
Bi-Weekly Draw Fest
This one below is Chrissy Powells creation for the cherry theme. She says its incomplete as well. We both seem to have quams with ours but like I said, its a learning process! I think its really cute really, and that a lil shading would've pushed it into the "finished" place. Its pretty cute though =}
In relation to this, the next Bi-Weekly drawing assignment has been released. Its been decided that the drawing will be done in print format, as a Giclee print, so thats neat.
The topic is:
Now, it doesn't matter how stars are fit into it really. They can be in the background, they can be entertainment stars, they can be pattern in the background, anything. I've been thinking and im still unsure how to take it...Will probably try to create something to tie into my Alice series. Or maybe not...I dont knooooowwww. What do you think? I could create a seperate piece to add more variety or add another piece to the Alice series to help it expand? Im unsure...
In other news: I might have a bite on my Alice series...she seems to be requesting a cheshire, which I already have several drawings of but they're all boys, and I feel she may be asking for a female version similiar to White Rabbit. Perhaps I should do a drawing of Cheshire and Mad Hatter to fit those drawings. Obviously not in panties and bras, and ya know, lolz.