So I drew these specifically for sticker/magnet/keychain design and inserted the words in over it. I can't decide if I like them or not but I don't think they're bad. The could be cute for stickers or keychains, me do think so. Also, this introduces my Mad Hatter and Cheshire onto the Alice scene. I've had these guys designed for quite some time now but just didn't put them into the same Alice series as the Ladies set for some reason.

I actually even have a totally different version of Cheshire drawn to fall into a set of postcards meant to compliment the Ladies series. My Cheshire is similiar in features, but the attitude and aura he gives off are two TOOOTTAALLLY different things. The Cheshire above is more so one of those people who stands back and observes, but can be pretty mischevious in his own right. The Cheshire for my postcard series is much more uh...flamboyant, as you can see below:
Whoa-ho right? Def. not giving off the same vibes as my other Cheshire. This ones all, " I wear tight pants. Don't act like you don't like it." *shakes his lil tush on the cat walk* I'm thinking of having roses and that lil bell repeat in the background behind him, but the roses will be kind of tainted and wilted, with an over all purple and blueish black tone.
See, I have this WHOLE story in my mind that relates to my Alice world...I guess I kind of imagined this Cheshire as the Cheshire tainted by the Red Queen. My Mad Hatter is missing an eye...I explained (and I use that word loosely) some of this in a previous post.
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