Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Overnight prints
I also placed an order for some postcards today so we'll see how that goes once I get them in. I've got a few more designs that i'll spend tomorrow working on as well to turn into Valentines to update on my etsy site with! They're super cute and retarded, so i'm excited about that progress. I'd like to continue to build up my stock, so I can go to a craft fair some time soon. MMMMMMM so yeah! There we go!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Kuranosuke Koibuchi
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Hey hey hey
This december has been AH-Mazing. That probably helped with the inspiration. It's just been so long since I drew for ME! So I'm excited and gonna get back to my groove, but just thought I should post in here again as well. Anyway! Here are some photos from these past few weeks though!
These top two are of me and fellow friend/blogger/artist extrodinare, Chrissy Powell, who blogs sporatically at robosuplex.blogspot.com =D
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
So, again, its been forever
Anyway, for the first piece done in quite a while i'm happy. Just have to scan it in and do some tweaking. Will scan in tomorrow after my Nihon-go lesson.
As a side note :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JOwxnVoG6Q
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Haven't posted in a while
Friday, July 30, 2010
You are the only light there is
I already have a feel for what I want my next series to be but I wish I could combine photos in with it...except I don't really have access to the areas I would need to get the right photos. Who knows though. Anyway...I'd love to do some sort of travel series.
Maybe i'll doodle on that at the vet...
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Because it was funny conversation
You. You're spose to be swabbin' the deck on my new ship.
haha its mine and brians your just a deck hand
just the captain?
that's coo'
I can deal with that.
After all I have sailed the seven seas and two large lakes.
brian says the captain pays for what repairs the boats needs so you pay for the repairs and you can hve the captains role.
The captain is the one who deals with important things like spinning the wheel and being awesome.
Both of which I can handle quite well.
Brian's seen my resume, he knows.
hey we watch deadliest cacht and those aren"t the rules
yeah? And this is what happens to people on those shows -
know why? Cause I told that whale too do that. Cause they wouldn't let me be captain.
and thats why we don't wan't you to steer
Only thing I was steering was that Whale.
Right into that boat.
or was it the other way around
I guess you'll be finding out pretty soon.
A very merry unbirthday...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Einlee on D.A.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Big Bend National Park, Texas
So...lately ive been feeling so restless with life. I want to go out and see things, places, people...One of the main places that I really want to go to is Texas. Seems strange, right? But theres a national park there called
Big Bend.
But oh, I wanna go there. It's so big that it has rapids (el rio grande), desert, mountains, canyons...you can literally spend like a month (or more) going through this place. That's actually what Vlad and I said today, just go out there for like one month and hike through it. I bet it'd be amazing. I also bet you would learn a lot about yourselves.
I spent four days hiking in Peru and felt absolutely amazing (although I did zone sometimes, but even then I was looking around and just amazed by the things around me.) I think a car, a tent, and a canoe (along with basic needs stuff) would be absolutely amazing. I think a group of two or four would be just about right. Not really enough to piss you off, and just enough to have fun with and enjoy things. Plus then you can share cooking duties.
[HD] After School - BANG! MV / 애프터스쿨 - 뱅! 뮤직비디오
Yes, I am learning this dance. Starting at :40 to the end of the "you'll never catch me oh no - " or the ending version at 2 something, where they do the arm thing, lolz.
Friday, July 16, 2010
[M/V]Wondergirls Irony
This video is interesting to me because it has 4minutes Hyuna in it from back in the day =P
Cause everybodys changing and I dont feel the same.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sweet Tattoos, yo.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sneak preview?
It's supposed to be one of those photos taken at a kid's birthday party ( in this case, Alice's) where instead of being happy they're having a tantrum over something and can't really appreciate the moment. So in the photo here i'll have her mom, this beautiful lady, all, " Smiiillleeee!" *stretches her daughter's face into a smile for camera--*
Lolz. Originally I was thinking maybe she'd be a super sweet, loving, all knowing mother, but I think that (while still having these characteristics) that she's gonna be the type of mother who would send that picture out as a thank you card to those who attended the party, lmao. Awesome, right?
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the preview! In my attempt not to fail as a blogger any more, I will update every day at the least again, surely! .....surely!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Have I let you down lately?
- Finally got moved in (though still not completely) in our town house. The decor is looking great.
- Been busy practicing tattoos
- Started painting again...
These are my total fan arts of Chrissy Powell's Sugar Ninjas, I believe it was. Drew them up a looonnnggg time ago and finally water colored them last night to get back into things. Had a very definite idea for Sweet but for some reason I was very lost on Spicy, lolz. Strange, yeah? I intend to put photoshop skillzorz on them as soon as I reinstall those programs on my laptop but until I have chance to do that, this is how they shall look. I'd like to take better photos for you soon. Hope you like them! You can find Chrissy's original character designs here :
Monday, June 28, 2010
I'm feeling inspired...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Town house decor!
This upcoming thursday i'm going to be signing the papers for our new town house! I've been looking forward to this for quite a while now and can't wait to get us all moved in and ready for the house warming party.
Now, i've been thinking about this for a while now, and FINALLY realized what the perfect idea for decorating the town house is....
I want to...decorate it like....Alice in Wonderland!
Now, I don't mean flat out buying things with the Disney (or even original) Alice images on it so much as I mean just sort of creating that feel about the place. That way it can still be appealing to other people without being "holy crap" at the same time. In that respect, I dont want to lose what it is that makes us in the hopes of appeasing other peoples taste.
So this is the idea...
I laid out in my head the general thought for all this and it is as such:
- For the Kitchen, I think the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
- For the living room, the forest where Alice wanders in search of the way out.
- For the hallway, I want to decorate in the manner of the Rabbit Hole (pictures in strange frames, etc.)
- Studio room = Cheshire's lair
- Bedroom would be Red Queen.
Now there are two bathrooms that I'm not sure what to do with but honestly I think i'll just leave those be so that theres a resting spot. I don't want to make it very busy. I plan on achieving most of this through wall decals...such as a tree decal in the living room (maybe butterflies to tie in the Catepillar?) Its still in the works.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Lee Hyori's comeback album 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
But, i've been having a lot of computer failures over the past month or two so I guess thats life (or my life anyway.)
Been creatively inspired but not necessarily in the illustration field. Got a lot going on right now...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Just thought i'd give ya'll a little update...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Spring Tiiimmeee
So the other day I was able to visit a Thomas Kinkade gallery with my friend in Savannah and was reminded of just how awesome this painter is. And on top of just mad skill, he also had a series of paintings done for Disney featuring various characters! They were amazing to say the least...and while this picture featured below is not an example of this, he had quite a few paintings of spring/summer time settings and it just reminded me of how nice such a season can be.

Way down yonder --
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm sorry but this just hurts my heart.
But then, on Monday, while driving in it for probably the 4th time since I had gotten it back out of the shop, the car started bouncing and shaking and the check engine light came on (yeah no shit). SO! I called the Mercedes place, took it back in, and just found out that apparently a bunch of wires and coils or something have fallen off, down, out, I don't know exactly, but that its going to take roughly $1700 more to fix that.
This will bring my total of fixing that car to roughly $4500.
I looked it up. I can purchase a brand new 2010 model of my car for $45,700.
This fucker better fly when I get it back after all this, or heads will roll.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Whats the deal with Sea Foam?
Monday, March 1, 2010
Yesterday's adventures...

Because it'd be a hassle to add these in on other one...