Then I was walking back up to house and saw an armadillo run across neighbors yard towards the one I was in, so I ran up over to him and was able to get really close for a picture. He looked all sleepy and stuff. He was pretty cute :3
Heres fun thing though...I mentioned to Todd how i'd love to take canoe or something out to the islands on the intercoastal and just spend day looking around (cause there are all sorts of things out there like horse shoe crabs, rays, regular crabs, etc.) and he mentioned how he has a canoe and could easily go out there one day (check the tides) and camp on one of those islands.
me, " DUDE LETS DO IT!" lolz.
Think about how neat that would be? To go out there, spend day just searching small island and then setting up camp there. Man i'd be all over there. Cause you can fish and catch own food and stuff! Todd knows how to prepare all that, I don't, but i'd watch! and learn! I'm all for it man. It'd be sooooo fun! Just got to wait for this weather to warm up a little...
All sorts of things out there though. Todd's seen bob cats even, but I dont think they'd be on the islands we're talking bout since they're in middle of Intercoastal. Lots of horse shoe crabs, fishys, and such though, which will be fun. I can't wait!
(Random Outing adventure, per haps?)
Ah, then on way off island (my grandparents house) I had to stop and let a bunch of deer cross road in front of me, lolz. It was a neat trip.
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